Wednesday, June 1, 2011

יאהרצייט ר"ח סיון

Yitzchok Nachman Kaufmann הי"ד
Ma's father's father
The Slotfiner Grossvater
יאהרצייט ר"ח סיון

Yitzchok Nachman's Yahrzeit is ר"ח סיון. He is among the many קדושי אונגארן who were murdered by the Nazis ימח שמם in the spring of 1944.

Following is a description of the deportation of the Jews of Yitzchok Nachman's shtetl, Slotfina (today Solotvyno, Ukraine). It is loosely translated from ספר הזכרון לקהלת מארמאראש.

The Slotfina Ghetto was liquidated, and its inhabitants were deported to Auschwitz in two transports. The first transport left on Shabbos the 27th of Iyar 1944. The second transport left the following Tuesday ר"ח סיון. 

Before the deportation the Jews were forced into the local school and searched for anything of value. They underwent degrading and cruel treatment by the hands of the Nazis ימ"ש. Others were brought to the local airport from where they were deported. They were forced to run to the train station some two kilometers from town dragging their children and packages.

The railway wagons were overloaded with some 75-85 persons per wagon. As they were forced into the wagons members of families were separated and it was a heart wrenching scene. The heartless Hungarian Gendarmes were not moved in the slightest ימח שמם.

Many קדושים died in the wagons on the way to Auschwitz. 

The Rav הרה"צ ר' חיים יצחק אייזק האלבערשטאם הי"ד spoke דברי תורה in his wagon and talked much about the concept of קידוש השם.

In one wagon the Vizhnitzer Chosid R’ Bendit Cahana הי"ד danced a חסידישע ריקוד, and in the crowded wagon people made place for him, he breathed inspiration into their souls.

Our Great Grandfather, Ma’s father Yitzchok Nachman Kaufman, and many members of his family were among the קדושים of Slotfina who were murdered by the Nazi’s ימח שמם.

May Hashem avenge his blood and may he be a מליץ יושר for all his many descendants.


  1. Thank you for remembering.


  2. דער יונגערמאן אונטער'ן סלאטפינער רב איז הרב זלמן לייב ט"ב, סיגעטער רב, הי"ד
