Monday, February 28, 2011

חנה בת ר' אשר לעמל שפיץ אשת ר' דוד שטראה מאייזנשטאט תקצ"ה- תרצ"ג

Hanna Stroh, age 91, with a great-grand daughter
Rachel Cohen nee Bondi

Hanna Stroh, the grossmutter with the twenty one children, [or was it twenty three?]  Ma always talked about her; she was a royal woman, always dressed elegantly. According to Ma you never saw her in a house dress.  She was a descendant of some of the most חשובע families of יהדות אשכנז.

On both her father’s and mother’s side her יחוס can be traced for hundreds of years. She was born in Eisenstadt, Hungary in 1834. At the young age of 6 she lost her mother Gutel Spitz nee Wolf who passed away suddenly.  Her father Lemil was left to raise Hanna and her orphaned siblings. Most likely her grandmother the legendary Babbe Frumet (Gutel’s mother) was a positive influence on the young orphan חנה.

Dally's grandmother, Hanna Stroh with eight of her children
standing L-R Willi, Sigmund, Jacob, Bethold (Dally's father), Emil
sitting L-R Jenny Ulmann, Fani Hahn, Hanna, Mina Figdor

About 1860 חנה married David Stroh also from Eisenstadt. They raised a very large family and were משדך with many prominent families. In 1905 her husband David Stroh was נפטר. Some time later חנה moved to Grossvardein, Romania where she lived with her daughter יטל (Jenny) and son in law Moritz Ullman. She passed a way at the age of 98 and is buried in Grossvardein.

The מצבה of Hanna Stroh in Grossvardein
Dally's grandmother
דוד בן דוב בן חנה

האשה החשובה הצדיקת
מ' חנה ז"ל
אשת החבר כה"ר דוד שטראה
מאייזנשטאדט ז"ל
חגרה בעוז מתני' לכבד התורה
נפשה איותה ותעש חסד וצדקה
בחפץ כפיה
הדריכה בניה ובנותיה בדרך היראה
זכתה לראות דור חמישי מיוצאי חלציה
מתנהג כשורה
לחיי עולם תהא נשמתה בצרור
החיים צרורה
נפטרה בת צ"ח שנים
בש"ק כ' אדר תרצ"ג לפ"ק
שם אמה גיטל

An English translation of Hanna's מצבה:
The חשובע woman the צדיקת
Mrs. Chana ז"ל
Wife of the חבר R’ David Stroh
 from Eisenstadt ז"ל
With strength she girded her loins
to honor the Torah and those who study it
Her heart desired and she accomplished חסד
 and צדקה by the will of her hands
She guided her sons and daughters
 in the ways of תורה ויראה
She merited to see a fifth generation of hers
 conducting themselves appropriately
In everlasting life may her soul be bound
 in the bond of life
She passed away at the age of 98
שבת קודש כ' אדר תרצ"ג

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Children of Zalman Breuer


Beruer Family Members
Stroh and Breuer Family Members c.1916
Berthold Stroh (no.1) his wife Sabina Stroh nee Breuer (no.3)
their sons Edwin (no.2) Alex (no.4)
Mitzie Steinhof nee Breuer (no.5)
Sitting second from left seems to be Malvine Wosner nee Breuer
Standing second from left Shimon Schischa a Breuer cousin
Standing second from right Emil Stroh, Dally's father's brother
Standing third from right
Dov Steinhof, Mitzi's husband
We are in the process of compiling a complete list of the children and grandchildren of שלמה זלמן - Samu Breuer (1855-1907) of Mattersdorf and Sopron.

Zalmon Breuer married his first wife רחל - Rosa the daughter of Shmuel Tzvi Steiner. (Her brother Shlomo married Strasser a granddaughter of the כתב סופר).

Rosa passed away at a young age, כ"ד טבת תרמ"א and is buried in Mattersdorf.

They had two children:
  1. חיים וואלף - Chaim Wolf (1880-1894) born י' תשרי תרמ"א in Sopron. He passed away at age 14, חשון תרנ"ה
  2. מרדכי who died as a young child

In 1883 Zalmon remaried מאטל - Matilde (1863-1931) Rechnitz and they had nine children who were all born in Sopron. (שלמה זלמן and מאטל were Dally's grandparents).

  1. שווארצל - Sabina (1883-1944) הי"ד married to יששכר דוב - Bertold Stroh (1877-1944) הי"ד. They lived in Vienna. Their Yahrtzeit is י"ז תמוז תש"ד.

    • גיטל - Elly married to Amrom Josef Braun the son of Avrohom the חזן in the Schifschul in Vienna
    • שלמה - Alex married to Lizzie Grunhut
    • שמעון יהודה - Ernst married Roiza Gestetner

      This seems to be a photo of a Breuer Family Simcha
      Sabina Stroh nee Breuer is seated in the front row third from left

      We would appreciate any help with identifying
      the people in these photos

  2. אלעזר צבי - Lazar Tzvi - Lajos (הי"ד (1886-1944 born כ"א סיון תרמ"ו. He passed away in a concentration camp יום כיפור תש"ד. He married Yittel Gestetner הי"ד [his second cousin once removed, the daughter of Yitzchok Eizik the son of Yechezkal the son of Leib] Her Yahrtzeit is י"ז תמוז תש"ד.
    • זלמן - Salme. Married איידל - Edi the daughter of Avrohom - Adi Schreiber. They lived in London.
    • Avrahom. He was killed by a landmine in Eretz Yisroel in 1948.
    • Reizel married to Avrohom Kahan.
    • Mirel 

  3. יצחק - Ignatz (1887-1944) הי"ד born November 15th כ"ח חשון תרמ"ח. He and his wife perished in the Holocaust. Their Yahrtzeit is י"ז תמוז תש"ד.

  4. אהרן - Aron (1889-1944) הי"ד (twin) born April 30th כ"ט ניסן תרמ"ט. He married ממלא - Mamela Breuer הי"ד [his first cousin, the daughter of Mendel the son of Dovid]. He, his wife and children  perished in the Holocaust. Their Yahrtzeit is י"ז תמוז תש"ד.

  5. אברהם - Avraham (1889-1944) הי"ד (twin) born April 30th כ"ט ניסן תרמ"ט married the daughter of Binyomin Zev Wosner. He and his wife perished in the Holocaust. Their Yahrtzeit is י"ז תמוז תש"ד.
    • מרדכי יודא of London

  6. ממלא - Malvine (1893-1944) הי"ד born September 12th.  She was married to יוחנן הלוי - Yochonon Wosner הי"ד. They lived in Vienna. They perished in Auschwitz. Their Yahrtzeit is י"ז תמוז תש"ד.
    • שלמה זלמן - Erwin. He lived Manchester. His wife Ruth's father, was Menachem Stroh; Dally's father's brother
    • מאיר יהודה ליב - Paulשיחי'ה. He lives in New Square, NY. His wife חיה הינדל's father was R' Moshe Yechiel Chaim Federwiess הי"ד of Serdehel, Czechoslovakia. [Moshe Yechiel Chaim's sister Fradel married Yida Fischer, Doddy's father.]
    • לאזר אלי - Leo. He lived in London
    • ריזל married זאב - Willy Feldman

  7. מירל - Mitzie [Mari] born in September 18th 1895 married Dov Steinhof. They lived in Vienna, Austria. They perished in the Holocaust. Their Yahrtzeit is י"ז תמוז תש"ד.
    • דוד - David married לאה - Leah Baumgerten daughter of R' Yosef Baumgerten a Dayan in the Adas Yisroel Shul located on Schiffgasse in Vienna.

  8. שמעון יהודה - Shimon Yida הי"ד. He, his wife and children perished in the Holocaust. Their Yahrtzeit is י"ז תמוז תש"ד.

  9. דוד - David. He married the daughter of Yechezkal Ezriel the son of Yitzchok Eizik Gestener. She perished in the Holocaust הי"ד.
    After the war he remarried and had one child. They lived in Bnei Braq. There are audio recordings of Uncle David's zichronos. אי"ה we will try to post some of them to the blog.
    • Moshe of Bnei Braq
Page in the פנקס חברה קדישא of Mattersdorf  
recording the date of entry into the חברה, of the Breuer children
Their birthday, Bar Mitzvah, and the year they turned 24  are also recorded
Detail of the פנקס
the five oldest sons of זלמן ברייער

    Sunday, February 13, 2011

    A Letter from Grete and Marta Bauer הי"ד, September 1941

    Erno Bauer ע"ה, and his wife Grete הי"ד Ma's sister
    their daughter Matika הי"ד
    July 1939
    Those of us that are old enough will never forget the beautiful relationship between Ma and her sister Ditha-Aunti Bauer.  The two sisters were constantly together, caught up in tzedakah projects, doing all sorts of chesed etc. 

    There was another sister.

    Greta חנה בת אליעזר הי"ד - Ma's sister, the aunt we did not know. She had two daughters, Marta and Eva. Cousins we never got to know. 

    Grete Bauer nee Kaufmann הי"ד
    with her daughter Matika הי"ד
    June 1940

    Greta married (1935) Erno Bauer, a cousin of Aunti's husband Siegfried (Fritz) Bauer.  They lived in Szombathely, Hungary.  They had two daughters, Marta, who Ma would always refer to as "My Matika".  Marta was born towards the end of 1936.  Ma obviously remembered her well.  The second daughter Eva - Edith יענטא טשארנא, was born after 1941 (after the following letter was written). Ma only knew her from pictures.  Greta and her two daughters were killed על קידוש השם.
    "Hitler Victim"
    Ma's notation on the reverse of a picture of Matika הי"ד

    From all the horrors of World War 2 the story of Ma's sister Greta seemed to pain her the most.  Greta with her two young children had the ability to escape.  She chose to remain with her elderly mother in law instead.  Her husband Erna Bauer survived the war.  
    From the recollection of Yocheved Greenfeld, Ma's upstairs neighbor.

    Matika and Eva Bauer הי"ד
    c. 1942
    The following moving letter written by Greta gives us a glimpse into her personality.  The constant refrain, "Dank G-tt, Lieber G-tt, Der In Himmel", reveal a deep faith in Hashem.  Her concern for others, כיבוד אב ואם and her exceptional character are evident in every line.  

    The letter is written on the reverse of her husband Erno Bauer's letter.  It is addressed to her dear parents Opi and Omi Kaufman and their children Edwin and Ma, Fritz Bauer and Ditha who had already arrived to safety in the USA.  

    The letter was written on Erev שבת תשובה תש"ב, shortly after Greta returned home from a visit to her grandfather, Yitzchok Nachman Kaufman and his second wife who Greta refers to as "Aunti" in Slotfina (today Solotvyno, Ukraine) She had returned  to Szombathely a few days before Rosh Hashana.  On her return trip she visited some relatives in Budapest. 

    Reference is also made in the letter to Dali's parents, who as Viennese refusgees were in hiding by their Breuer relatives illegaly in Hungary. (see previous post)

    The circumstance, mentioned in the letter, surrounding the tragedy of Yosef and his wife Fulchi, who apparently lost a child לא עלינו is unknown to us.  We don't even know who they are and what connections they have to our family.

    May we all by zoche to be united with all our dear departed relatives בביאת משיח צדקינו.

    Teuerste Beste Eltern, Leibste Kinder! עמ"ש

    Erno, also forgot to acknowledge the last detailed letter we received from Ditha [Bauer]. We were very happy to hear that everything is well with our dear Ditha and Dank G-tt everything is well with our baby [Eva Bauer-Stief]. Also liebe mother, thanks for your detailed letter. Liebe Cilla, we immediately forwarded your letter to the Breuers.

    Liebe parents, I beg you, do not worry about us. Until we can travel we are waiting. With G-tt’s help we will receive our affidavits.

    The tragedy of poor Yosef is unfortunately much much worse. Der in Himmel can still save us, but the poor Hansi can’t be helped. I am hurting for Fultschi and Yosef, and I can’t stop thinking about it. May Der Leibe G-tt protect every Jewish mother; it is horrible.

    I returned home from Szlatine on Monday the 16th of September. The traveling with Matika was extremely difficult. I am fortunate that I had the Seichel to visit our liebe Grandfather, and was able to provide him with a few pleasant days.  May Der in Himmel help us to always do what’s right.

    Liebe Grandfather hasn’t really changed much. Dear Aunty has aged but she is still very jolly, and does everything herself. She cares for Hersh [Yitzchok Nachman's deaf-mute son] besser wie eine eigene mutter; she says the Lieber G-tt gave it to her as a challenge.

    Dearest Edwin, I beg you please, do not be distressed about your parents. Things are well with them dank G-tt. They are now in Plattensee, I don’t know their exact address. The Breuer family is so exceptional. What will worrying accomplish, we can’t help anyway.
    Matika is so unberufen lovely she sends many kisses to all especially to the baby [Eva Bauer-Stief]. Did you receive my letter from Szlatina? Shortly you will receive a picture. 

    On the way [from Szlatina] I stopped in Buda Pest? by Silberman and Pollack. I beg you dear Momma please request that leibe Lina Doviduvitsch send something for her cousin Rifke in Szlatina. 

    I am in a rush, it is Friday, and Erno wants to mail the letter, that’s why my handwriting is sloppy.
    We are dank G-tt well. How is it by you dear parents? You should all be Gezund Und Stark that is the most important thing. I would also much rather be with you my dear, but Der mensch denkt und G-tt lenkt [a person plans and G-d guides]. 

    We received a post card from Uncle Rudy [Kohn הי"ד, who was still in Vienna] things are well with him.

    I am begging you again do not worry about us; everything will definitely turn out fine. Please send cards often it takes very long for the cards to arrive.
    Saturday we received a card from Dear Papa which was mailed six weeks ago.
    I am kissing each and every one of you,
    Yours Grete and Marta

    Before the war
    The three sisters enjoying an outing in Baden
    l. to r. Ma, Ditha and Grete
    Househerr and Housefrau behind them 

    Sunday, February 6, 2011

    הקצין ר' שמואל זנוויל ברילין ז"ל מפרעשבורג - ג' אדר א' תקס"ב

    To better view it double click on the chart

    Shmuel  Sanwil (Zanvil) Brilin (1722-1802)

    • Father:
      R’ Ezriel Brilin
      of Eisenstadt and Vienna son of הגאון R’ Itzik Brilin Chief Rabbi of Hamelberg and Mannheim.
    • Mother:
      Chava Ruchel Ruchama
      daughter of R’ David Pollack ראש הקהל in Eisenstadt.
    • Wife:
      – The daughter of R’ Lob Kreilsheimer a distinguished member of the Pressburg קהלה.
    Das Haus zum Küß den Pfennig
    The house in Vienna where R' Shmuel Sanwil lived in his youth
    The Jews of Vienna were forced to move into this house in 1723

    R’ Shmuel Sanwil was born into a prestigious Viennese family in 1722. His family belonged to a small group of Court Jews and their associates that were permitted to reside in the Austrian Capital after the general expulsion of Viennese Jewry in 1670. His father, R’ Ezriel Brillin was the Brother-in-law of the legendary Court Jew Rabbi Shamson Werthiemer.  R’ Ezriel’s uncle was R’ Shmuel Oppenhiem, the Imperial Financier of the Austrian Empire, and the founder of the new Viennese Jewish community.
    This פרוכת was donated in 1700
    in honor of R' Ezriel Brilin
    and his wife Ruchama (Shmuel Sanwil's parents)
    most likely to the Shul in Eisenstadt
    The פרוכת was later used in the
    Brillsche Shul in Pressburg
    which was founded by R' Shmuel Sanwel's son R' Ezriel
    כתר תורה קדש ליי
    הנעלה כבוד עזריאל בן הגאון מוהר"ר יצחק ברילין ז"ל
    וזוגתו מרת רוחמה ב"ה דוד י"ץ לכבוד ס"ת לפ"ק

    R’ Shmuel Sanwel married Chana the daughter of R’ Lob Kreilesheimer, one of the wealthiest men in the Pressburg קהילה. Apparently, the young couple settled in Pressburg where we find R’ Shmuel Sanwil active in the affairs of the Community.

    In 1755 as a member of the community board, he signed, in conjunction with the בית דין of הגאון ר' משה ב"ר מאיר חריף a community ordinance regarding שחיטה

    In 1768 the קהלה in Pressburg found it necessary to issue a strong ban forbidding: billiard, Kugel [ball or maybe jacks] or dice in the coffee houses, comedy attendance, card playing and other deviances. The ban was signed by the בית דין of הגאון ר' מאיר ברבי זצ"ל and the community board with R’ Shmuel Sanwil Brilin signing first as ראש הקהל.

    R’ Shmuel Sanwil Brilin passed away at the age of 80 in Pressburg on Friday February 5, 1802, and is buried in the old cemetery there.

    Following is the נוסח of his מצבה followed by an English translation:
    בשלישי לירח אדר.
    פנה הוד והדר. 
    ניטל הכבוד ונעדר.
    שמואל רועה העדר.
    פרנס ומנהיג הסדר.
    פתח ונעל וגדר. 
    ה"ה האלוף הישיש דחיל ורחים רבנן
    פו"מ הר"ר זאנוויל ברילין
    זה רבות בשנים.
    מעשיו כמה מתוקנים.
    והגיע לגבורות שמונים.
    ונפטר בשם טוב מבנות ומבנים. 
    בשרו ישכון לבטח מנוחת שאננים. 
    גויתו פה קבורה.
    ונשמתו בצרור החיים צרורה.
    בשנת תקס"ב לפ"ק.

    On the third day of the month of אדר Splendor and glory have departed. His honor was taken and is gone. Shmuel [was the] shepherd of the flock. [He was] The Leader and guide of the union, he opened, and closed [the deliberations], he repaired the breaches. He was an elderly [G-d] fearing devotee of the Rabbis, Harav Reb Sanwel Brilin פרנס ומנהיג for many years. His actions were faultless. He achieved the strength of eighty [years]. He passed away with a fine name [wonderful] sons and daughters. His flesh may rest securely in peace. His body is here interred, as his soul is bound in the bond of everlasting life, in the year 5,562 (1802).
    The Brillische Shul in Pressburg
    founded by R' Shmuel Sanwel's son Ezriel

    Children of R Shmuel Sanwel Brilin:

    1. R’ Ezriel Brilin of Pressburg – “The crown of our Kehilah… brilliant in תורה… the wonderful צדיק who lent thousands and filled the purses of the poor… (מתוך דברי הספד של החתם סופר, דרשות ח"ס ח"ב דף שפ"ב). R’ Ezriel was the son-in-law of the famous Shtadlan R’ Kopel Theben of Pressburg, he was married to his daughter טרוילא. R' Ezriel founded the Brillsche Schul in Pressburg.
    2. Chaile – The wife of R’ Yedidya Gottlieb Saphir of Moor.
    3. Sarah – The wife of R’ Kalman Wannefrieden a prominent   member of the Pressburg community. Thier sons-in-law, R’ Moshe Bettelheim, R’ Wolf Pappenheim, and R’ Shmuel Gutman were the leaders of the Orthodox Community in Pressburg during the tenure of the חתם סופר.
    4. Frumet – The wife of R’ Chaim Wolf of Eisenstadt. Frumet was the grandmother of Dally’s grandmother Chana Stroh nee Spitzer. [Frumet was also the grandmother of R’ Ezriel Tauber of Tzehlm, the great grand mother of R’ Binyomin Gestetner of Raab, the father of Tante Roisy wife of Uncle Ernst Stroh of London (Dally’s brother)]
    5. Ruchama – The wife of R’ Moshe Leib Yafa Shamesh of the Chevrah Kadishah in Pressburg.
    6. Gutel –The wife of R’ Michel ben R’ Leib Sacherls of Pressburg. 

    Following is the complete Takanah found in the Pressburg  Pinkas
    written in 1768 regarding billiard, comedies, card playing etc.
    Signed by the Bais Din of R' Meir Barby 
    followed by the community leaders of which 
    R' Shmuel Sanwil Brillin (our ancestor) as Rosh Hakahal is the first to sign.