Dally: David Edwin Stroh (1907-1978)

  • 1907:
    • Born: October 15th , ז' חשון תרס"ח - in Vienna, to דוב (Berthold) and שווארצל (Sabine) nee Breuer.
    • Bris: October 22nd , י"ד חשון תרס"ח in the Schiffschul. The מוהל is ר' יוסף בוימגארטען the דיין and ראב"ד of the Schiffschul.
    • Pidyon Haben: November 13th , ז' כסלו תרס"ח.
  • 1920's:
    • Learned in Sopron by ר' שמעון פאזען and in Tzelem by ר' יוסף אלימלך כהנא and possibly in Mattersdorf, as well.
    • December 6 1929 - Obtained his driver's license.
  • 1930's:
    • Worked as a housewares and cookware salesman for Michael Sternfeld in Vienna.
    • Engaged to Ma - סולקא (Cilla) Kaufman: January 1931
    • Married to Ma: December 29th 1931, י"ט טבת תרצ"ב - in Vienna.
    • Resided at: Odeon Gasse 9 in Vienna's Second District. 
    • Distinguished member of קהלת עדת ישראל, The Schiffschul. 
    • Active in The JugendOrganisation (Youth Organization) of the Schiffschul and other Jewish community work.
    • Birth of their two children, Hanna (Edith) and Shlomo (Herbert).
  • 1938:
    • March - Nazi Germany annexed Austria, and the persecution of Jews began.
    • Dally was arrested by the Nazis ימ"ש and miraculously escaped.
    • September 28th - flees to Riga, Latvia and returns to Vienna a few days later.
    • November 9th and 10th - Kristalnacht, the Schiffschul was burned by the Nazis ימ"ש
    • December 14th - They receive an immigration visa to come to the United States.
    • December 15th - They leave Vienna to the port of Le Havre in France.
    • December 29th - Dally, Ma and their two children boarded the SS Washington. Stopping in Southampton, England on the 30th and Cobh, Ireland on the 31st. Shortly after midnight of January 1st the boat set sail across the Atlantic, escaping Europe.
  • 1939:
    • January 6th - Arrived in New York and settled in the Bronx .
    • Resided at 304 East 173rd Street in the Mt. Eden section of the Bronx.
  • 1940's:
    • Resided at 1555 Grand Concourse in the Mt. Eden section of the Bronx.
    • Davened at the Schul of R' Yeruchim Gorelik z"l, in the Bronx.
    • Worked as a wine salesman and scrap metal dealer, amongst other occupations.
    • Birth of two additional children, Yehudis (Judy) and Dov (Barry).
  • 1942:
    • Instrumental in the founding of קהל עדת יראים, the Wiener Kehila and חברה קדישא in Brooklyn, New York.
  • 1949 (Appr):
    • Involved in founding Bais Yaakov Bais Miriam in the Mt. Eden section of the Bronx.
  • 1950's:
    • Moved to Ocean Avenue in Lakewood, New Jersey.
    • Together with Ma, they run Atlantic Bag Company.
  • 1960 (Appr):
  • 1961:
    • Actively involved in the appointment of ר' עזריאל יודא לעבאוויטש as the new Rav of the Wiener Kehila.
  • 1970:
  • 1978:
    • November 9th, ט' מרחשון תשל"ט - Dally is נפטר and buried in the בית החיים of קהל עדת יראים in Woodbridge, New Jersey.