Friday, January 21, 2011

Children of R' Yitzchok Nachman and Yenta Charna Kaufmann

We are in the process of compiling a complete list of the children and grandchildren of R' Yitzchok Nachman הי"ד (Ma's mother's father). Ma would refer to him as the Slotfina Grossvatter. The Slotfina grandchildren called him "Zeidy". If anyone can fill in the gaps or correct our list we would be very grateful. Many of the children and grandchildren were murdered in the holocaust השם ינקום דמם

This post is in memory of Ma's beloved cousin a true אשת חיל Mrs. Shari Schayowitz, יענטא טשארנא בת עטי' ע"ה, who passed away last Shabbos 
י' שבט (January 15th) יהא זכרה ברוך. Cousin Shari was also a grandchild of R' Yitzchok Nachman Kaufmann.
Sitting - Yitzchok Nachman, Yenta Charna, Omi
Standing - Uncle Benedikt, Opi
1) אליעזר - Lazar - Lajos (Opi) (Slotfina - Vienna - New York) married מלכה - Malvine nee Deutsch (Omi)
  • סולקא - Cilla (Ma) (Vienna - New York) married Edwin Stroh
  • חנה - Grete הי"ד (Vienna - Sombathely) married Erno Bauer (Vienna - Sombathely - New York)
  • טויבא - Dita (Aunty) (Vienna - New York) married Sigfried (Fritz) Bauer
2) רבקה - Rifka הי"ד (Slotfina - Sapanta) 1880-1944 married מאיר חיים Katz 1873-1944 הי"ד
  • בנימין - Benni Katz married his first cousin דינה - Grete Schwartz (Sapanta - Ramat Gan - Jerusalem)
  • פרידה - Frida הי"ד (Sapanta) 1912-1944 married to אליהו Schimanowitz 1911-
  • Bella הי"ד (Sapanta) 1913-1944 never married
  • אברהם - Abraham הי"ד (Sapanta - Antwerpen) married to Yenta
3) חיה - Chaia הי"ד (Slotfina) 1870-1944 married to קלמן Isakowitz הי"ד 1864-1944
  • אלטר יהודה - Alter Jehuda הי"ד married Bella (Slotfina)
  • ליב - Ludwig 1916-1944 הי"ד
  • מלטשי מלכה - Maltchi Malka הי"ד (Slotfina) 1908-1944 married  חיים - Heinrich Sicherman הי"ד   1904-1944
  • סולקא - Cilly born 1919

4) בעלא (Tante Bella) (Slotfina-Vienna-New York) married Schwartz
  • דינה Greteשתחי'י married her first cousin Benni Katz
  • מרים married Yehuda (Goldstein) Giladi (Chust-Israel)
  • משה
  • מתתיהו
  • Alisa married Pinchas Auerbach
  • Etele
5) חוה Eva married Shayowitz
  • Sydney married his first cousin Shari Kasierer
6) אברהם יהודא (Uncle Yidel) (Slotfina - Bronx) married Jenny
  • Jack
  • Benedict
  • Seymor
  • Adele married Werner (Flushing, NY)
7) ברוך בענדיט - Benedict was killed as a בחור in WWI, he was an army photographer - 28 Shvat

8) משה - Morris (Slotfina - Franklinville, NJ)
  • Eli in Florida
Hersch Kaufmann, Srul Kasirer, Kalman Kaufmann

9) קלמן - Charles (Slotfina - New York) - 21 Teves

Theresa (Wiesel) Kaufmann
10) טישקיט - Theresa (Tishko Neiny) married Ephraim Wiesel [Mr. Weisel left Slotfina 1937 family followed in 1938]
  • Frida married Jacob Zilinsky - Ramat Gan, Israel
  • שאול - Tel Aviv, Israel
  • זעלדא married Larry Simon - Euclid, Ohio
  • Benny - Cleveland Heights, Ohio
  • Sari married A. Kovensky- Cleveland Heights, Ohio
  • פנינה married Sam Muskal - Cleveland, Ohio
  • יהושע - Cleveland, Ohio
Therese (Wiesel) and Etal (Kasierer) Kaufman [Opi's sisters]
and their nieces Cilaska [Ma], Gretella הי"ד [Ma's sister]
and Etele Schwarz
1916 in Wien

11) עטיל - Etel הי"ד (Slotfina) 1900-1944 married ישראל - Isidor Kasierer הי"ד 1896-1944
  • זנביל - Zanvi הי"ד (Slotfina) 1922-1944 never married
  • דוד - Eugeneשיחי'ג (Slotfina - New York) married Evaשתחי'י
  • Shari Charlotte (Slotfina - New York) -2011 married her first cousin Sydney Shayowitz
  • ברוך בענדיט - Benni (Slotfina - Tel Aviv) 1949
  • פסח ליב - Leiby הי"ד child
  • בערל - Beiry הי"ד (Slotfina) 1937-1944 child
  • רחל איטה - Deizy הי"ד (Slotfina) 1939-1944 child
12) הירש צבי -Zwi Hersch הי"ד (Slotfina) 1898-1944 was deaf - mute never married 

The Slotfiner Grossvatter
with children and grandchildren


  1. Wow! What a huge family - great research keep it up!

  2. Heard from my grandmother, Uncle Morris had at one time a candy shop, and at a different time a bar. He also had a farm in Vineland, NJ at one point.

  3. Can you make the pictures visable?
