Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Opi Deutsch part II

זאב יהודא בן יונתן דייטש
כ"ח אלול תרי"ג - א' דר"ח אדר ב' תרח"ץ
Ma's mother's father

Opi Deutsch (1853-1938), was known to have a good sense of humor. He would recount how, when he was already an older man many years after he moved to Vienna, he decided to visit his home town of Verbau in Slovakia.   When he came to town he met one of his old friends, he asked him if he would take him around to see all their חברים from years ago. His friend said no problem, and promptly led him to the בית החיים.

"Erna & Grete Breuer ne Kaufman
[Ma's sister and brother in law]
with Opa Deutsch and
Grete's baby Martika"
He enjoyed going to the photographer and there are quite a few professional portraits of him.

Title page of Mishnas Hatalmud
by R' Yeshaya Jungreis
Tiszaszaszfalu 1913
R' Jungreis thanks Opi Deutsch
and Opi Kaufmann for hosting him
during the time he spent in Vienna
Following, is a testimony to his מידה of הכנסת אורחים. HaRav Yeshaya Jungreis (1875-1944), the Rav of Zerind in Romania, writes in the introduction to his Seferמשנה  התלמוד  (Tiszaszaszfalu, 1913):
I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to הרבני היקר מו"ה וואלף ליב דייטש נ"י and his son in law היקר מו"ה אליעזר קויפמאן נ"י of Vienna for hosting me in their home בדרך כבוד when I was there for a period of eight days regarding the publication of my sefer. They also did me many favors regarding my sefer. May Hashem be with them and may they succeed in all their ways. May they be זוכה to fulfill the מצוה  of גמילת חסדים till one hundred and twenty years, with wealth and נחת in abundance.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, this little anecdote illustrates Opi Deutsch's friend's sense of humor not his own... but OK ;)
