Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Children of Zalman Breuer


Beruer Family Members
Stroh and Breuer Family Members c.1916
Berthold Stroh (no.1) his wife Sabina Stroh nee Breuer (no.3)
their sons Edwin (no.2) Alex (no.4)
Mitzie Steinhof nee Breuer (no.5)
Sitting second from left seems to be Malvine Wosner nee Breuer
Standing second from left Shimon Schischa a Breuer cousin
Standing second from right Emil Stroh, Dally's father's brother
Standing third from right
Dov Steinhof, Mitzi's husband
We are in the process of compiling a complete list of the children and grandchildren of שלמה זלמן - Samu Breuer (1855-1907) of Mattersdorf and Sopron.

Zalmon Breuer married his first wife רחל - Rosa the daughter of Shmuel Tzvi Steiner. (Her brother Shlomo married Strasser a granddaughter of the כתב סופר).

Rosa passed away at a young age, כ"ד טבת תרמ"א and is buried in Mattersdorf.

They had two children:
  1. חיים וואלף - Chaim Wolf (1880-1894) born י' תשרי תרמ"א in Sopron. He passed away at age 14, חשון תרנ"ה
  2. מרדכי who died as a young child

In 1883 Zalmon remaried מאטל - Matilde (1863-1931) Rechnitz and they had nine children who were all born in Sopron. (שלמה זלמן and מאטל were Dally's grandparents).

  1. שווארצל - Sabina (1883-1944) הי"ד married to יששכר דוב - Bertold Stroh (1877-1944) הי"ד. They lived in Vienna. Their Yahrtzeit is י"ז תמוז תש"ד.

    • גיטל - Elly married to Amrom Josef Braun the son of Avrohom the חזן in the Schifschul in Vienna
    • שלמה - Alex married to Lizzie Grunhut
    • שמעון יהודה - Ernst married Roiza Gestetner

      This seems to be a photo of a Breuer Family Simcha
      Sabina Stroh nee Breuer is seated in the front row third from left

      We would appreciate any help with identifying
      the people in these photos

  2. אלעזר צבי - Lazar Tzvi - Lajos (הי"ד (1886-1944 born כ"א סיון תרמ"ו. He passed away in a concentration camp יום כיפור תש"ד. He married Yittel Gestetner הי"ד [his second cousin once removed, the daughter of Yitzchok Eizik the son of Yechezkal the son of Leib] Her Yahrtzeit is י"ז תמוז תש"ד.
    • זלמן - Salme. Married איידל - Edi the daughter of Avrohom - Adi Schreiber. They lived in London.
    • Avrahom. He was killed by a landmine in Eretz Yisroel in 1948.
    • Reizel married to Avrohom Kahan.
    • Mirel 

  3. יצחק - Ignatz (1887-1944) הי"ד born November 15th כ"ח חשון תרמ"ח. He and his wife perished in the Holocaust. Their Yahrtzeit is י"ז תמוז תש"ד.

  4. אהרן - Aron (1889-1944) הי"ד (twin) born April 30th כ"ט ניסן תרמ"ט. He married ממלא - Mamela Breuer הי"ד [his first cousin, the daughter of Mendel the son of Dovid]. He, his wife and children  perished in the Holocaust. Their Yahrtzeit is י"ז תמוז תש"ד.

  5. אברהם - Avraham (1889-1944) הי"ד (twin) born April 30th כ"ט ניסן תרמ"ט married the daughter of Binyomin Zev Wosner. He and his wife perished in the Holocaust. Their Yahrtzeit is י"ז תמוז תש"ד.
    • מרדכי יודא of London

  6. ממלא - Malvine (1893-1944) הי"ד born September 12th.  She was married to יוחנן הלוי - Yochonon Wosner הי"ד. They lived in Vienna. They perished in Auschwitz. Their Yahrtzeit is י"ז תמוז תש"ד.
    • שלמה זלמן - Erwin. He lived Manchester. His wife Ruth's father, was Menachem Stroh; Dally's father's brother
    • מאיר יהודה ליב - Paulשיחי'ה. He lives in New Square, NY. His wife חיה הינדל's father was R' Moshe Yechiel Chaim Federwiess הי"ד of Serdehel, Czechoslovakia. [Moshe Yechiel Chaim's sister Fradel married Yida Fischer, Doddy's father.]
    • לאזר אלי - Leo. He lived in London
    • ריזל married זאב - Willy Feldman

  7. מירל - Mitzie [Mari] born in September 18th 1895 married Dov Steinhof. They lived in Vienna, Austria. They perished in the Holocaust. Their Yahrtzeit is י"ז תמוז תש"ד.
    • דוד - David married לאה - Leah Baumgerten daughter of R' Yosef Baumgerten a Dayan in the Adas Yisroel Shul located on Schiffgasse in Vienna.

  8. שמעון יהודה - Shimon Yida הי"ד. He, his wife and children perished in the Holocaust. Their Yahrtzeit is י"ז תמוז תש"ד.

  9. דוד - David. He married the daughter of Yechezkal Ezriel the son of Yitzchok Eizik Gestener. She perished in the Holocaust הי"ד.
    After the war he remarried and had one child. They lived in Bnei Braq. There are audio recordings of Uncle David's zichronos. אי"ה we will try to post some of them to the blog.
    • Moshe of Bnei Braq
Page in the פנקס חברה קדישא of Mattersdorf  
recording the date of entry into the חברה, of the Breuer children
Their birthday, Bar Mitzvah, and the year they turned 24  are also recorded
Detail of the פנקס
the five oldest sons of זלמן ברייער


    1. A special thank you to Mrs. M. F. for identifying her grandmother Malvine Wosner on the Photograph.

    2. דברתי עם ר' מאיר יודא וואזנער שליט"א בשבת בבקר, וגם עמד שמה ר' מרדכי זלמן פעלדמאן שליט"א ואמר לי שזקנינו ר' זלמן ברייער היו לו שני זיווגים, מזיווג אחד נולד לו שני בנים, אחד הי' חלש ונפטר כשהי' בחור, גם השני נפטר כשהי' בחור מפני שהחשיך לו בדרך בע"ש ולא ידע שבסכנה מותר לחלל שבת, או לא הבחין שהוא סכנה, עכ"פ מחמת יראת שמים נשאר על הדרך בחורף ול"ע נקפא בקור, וחפשוהו כמה ימים עד שנמצא זכרונו לברכה.
      אחרי כן נשא את זקינתינו מרת מאטל שהיתה בתולה והוא הי' מבוגר ממנה איני זוכר אם אמר י"א שנים או י"ג שנים. וממנה נולדה לו שש בנים ושלשה בנות, ואת כל התשע הכירם ר' מאיר יודא והיו חשובים ויראי שמים מרבים.
      נמצא לפי זה שר' חיים וואלף הי' מזיווגו ראשון ונפטר כשהי' בחור, ואח המבוגר הי' זקיני ר' אלעזר צבי וכו',
      והקטן הי' ר' דוד מבני ברק, והי' תלמיד של הויגד יעקב, כן העיד ר' מרדכי זלמן שהי' מזכיר את הויחי יוסף כבנו של הרבי, ור' מאיר יודא אמר שהי' גם תלמיד הקרן לדוד.
      ברוב כבוד י. י. ב

    3. Uncle David Breuer on his tapes also mentions the first marriage. We updated the post after we listened do the tapes. בע"ה we will be posting segments of the tapes.

    4. You wrote the "Breuers were originally from Mattersdorf, Zalmon, Dally's grandfather, and his brothers moved to the nearby city of Sopron." While that is technically true, you missed an important interim residence. David Breuer (born circa 1826, died 11 Dec 1891) and his first wife Shvartzel Deutsch raised their children in Walbersdorf/Borbolya, which was close to Mattersdorf. It appears that all or nearly all their children were born there. I am not sure where David lived after his second marriage -- he could have stayed in Walbersdorf or moved back to Mattersdorf. At some point he moved to Sopron, because that is where he died. He was buried in Mattersdorf.

      Carole V.

    5. auschwitz exact yartzeit for יוחנן וממלא וואזנער who were transported from Szedarhely is כ"ז סיון תש"ד, not 17 of Tamuz
