Monday, February 28, 2011

חנה בת ר' אשר לעמל שפיץ אשת ר' דוד שטראה מאייזנשטאט תקצ"ה- תרצ"ג

Hanna Stroh, age 91, with a great-grand daughter
Rachel Cohen nee Bondi

Hanna Stroh, the grossmutter with the twenty one children, [or was it twenty three?]  Ma always talked about her; she was a royal woman, always dressed elegantly. According to Ma you never saw her in a house dress.  She was a descendant of some of the most חשובע families of יהדות אשכנז.

On both her father’s and mother’s side her יחוס can be traced for hundreds of years. She was born in Eisenstadt, Hungary in 1834. At the young age of 6 she lost her mother Gutel Spitz nee Wolf who passed away suddenly.  Her father Lemil was left to raise Hanna and her orphaned siblings. Most likely her grandmother the legendary Babbe Frumet (Gutel’s mother) was a positive influence on the young orphan חנה.

Dally's grandmother, Hanna Stroh with eight of her children
standing L-R Willi, Sigmund, Jacob, Bethold (Dally's father), Emil
sitting L-R Jenny Ulmann, Fani Hahn, Hanna, Mina Figdor

About 1860 חנה married David Stroh also from Eisenstadt. They raised a very large family and were משדך with many prominent families. In 1905 her husband David Stroh was נפטר. Some time later חנה moved to Grossvardein, Romania where she lived with her daughter יטל (Jenny) and son in law Moritz Ullman. She passed a way at the age of 98 and is buried in Grossvardein.

The מצבה of Hanna Stroh in Grossvardein
Dally's grandmother
דוד בן דוב בן חנה

האשה החשובה הצדיקת
מ' חנה ז"ל
אשת החבר כה"ר דוד שטראה
מאייזנשטאדט ז"ל
חגרה בעוז מתני' לכבד התורה
נפשה איותה ותעש חסד וצדקה
בחפץ כפיה
הדריכה בניה ובנותיה בדרך היראה
זכתה לראות דור חמישי מיוצאי חלציה
מתנהג כשורה
לחיי עולם תהא נשמתה בצרור
החיים צרורה
נפטרה בת צ"ח שנים
בש"ק כ' אדר תרצ"ג לפ"ק
שם אמה גיטל

An English translation of Hanna's מצבה:
The חשובע woman the צדיקת
Mrs. Chana ז"ל
Wife of the חבר R’ David Stroh
 from Eisenstadt ז"ל
With strength she girded her loins
to honor the Torah and those who study it
Her heart desired and she accomplished חסד
 and צדקה by the will of her hands
She guided her sons and daughters
 in the ways of תורה ויראה
She merited to see a fifth generation of hers
 conducting themselves appropriately
In everlasting life may her soul be bound
 in the bond of life
She passed away at the age of 98
שבת קודש כ' אדר תרצ"ג

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