Friday, March 18, 2011

Bnos Purim Performance in Vienna 75 years ago

Following is an ad placed in The Judische Presse for a Program of the Festive Academy of the Bnos Agudas Yisroel in Vienna's 2nd bezirk. The program was performed on Shushan Purim, Monday, March 9th, 1936, 7:30 in the evening.

The girls participating in the program were all part of the tight knit Orthodox Kehillah centered around the Schiffschul.  From the names of the participating girl in the program it is apparent that many of them were close friends and relatives of Ma and Dally. In all probability Ma, Omi (Ma's mother) and Dita (Ma's sister) attended the event.

If anyone can identify any girls partaking in the program or if anyone has memories or anecdotes relating to this event please share it with us.

 א פרייליכען פורים

1 comment:

  1. Can someone please translate this Programm Festakademie?

    Nice blog, keep it up!
