Thursday, March 10, 2011

David Stroh (1834-1905) Part I

In honor of the yahrzeit ה' אדר שני.

דוד בן יעקב שטראה
תקצ"ד - תרס"ה
Dally's grandfather (דוד בן דוב בן דוד בן יעקב)
painting courtesy of Hertha Kalush

David Stroh, Dally's grandfather and namesake, was born in Mullendorf near Eisenstadt, in 1834. 

He married Hannah Spitzer of Eisenstadt. A few years after their marriage he and his family moved from Mullendorf to Eisenstadt.

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The house in Eisenstadt that the family lived in was well known, as it was the house in which R' Akiva Eiger זצ"ל was born. The חתונה of the חתם סופר with the daughter of R' Akiva Eiger also took place in that house.

David was a wine and liquor merchant. He was active in community affairs, and served as a member of the vorstand of the קהלה in Eisentstadt. We also find him acting as גבאי ראשון in the חברא קדישא וביקור חולים and in other capacities.

In 1870, when the קהלה hired הרה"ג ר' שלום קוטנא as their Rav, as a board member, David Stroh was a signatory on the כתב רבנות.

David Stroh was niftar מוצש"ק פרשת פקודי ה' אדר ב' תרס"ה in Vienna, and is buried in the new cemetery in Eisenstadt. 

courtesy of Tommy Lamm

Following is the נוסח of his מצבה:

אבן בוכים על מות
איש ירא ד' ונכבד בעדתו
פנת יקרת בקהלתו
כבוד שמו תהלתו
כ"ה דוד
בן כ"ה יעקב שטראה ע"ה
נפ' בש"ט בן שבעים ואחד שנים
במש"ק ה' אדר שני ש' תרס"ה לפ"ק בוויען
ונקבר ז' אדר שני
שלמים ותמימים היו ימי מגוריו
צדקתו יפארו יודעיו ומכיריו
הדריך בניו לתורה וליראת אל
לתמימי דרך ולישרי לב בישראל
עתה יתעדן שם בגבהי שמים
תהי' נפשו צרורה בצרור החיים
ושם אמו ריזל

David Stroh's birth record in the Eisenstadt metrical
 Birth date: Feb. 3, [1834] Name: David [male]
Parents name and occupation: Jacob Stroh ... ...
Therisa uxor [= spouse]

continuation of David Stroh's birth record 
Birth place: Mullendorf
מוהל: M. Englander, Leopold Rosenzwieg
Comments: ... J. Stroh arendor? ... Mullendorf

 David Stroh's death record in the metrical of the Israel. Cultusgemeinde Vienna
Died: 11 March 1905 1/2 of 12 o'clock evening ש"ק ד' ואדר
[His פטירה was actually מוצאי שבת]
[The column for burial was not filled in since he was buried in Eisenstadt]
Name and Character: David Stroh ... ... born in Mullendorf, Eisenstadt, Hungary
Gender: male. Status: married
Continuation of David Stroh's death record 
Age: February 1834
Address where death occurred: Haidgasse 10
[Haidgasse was the home of Dally's father]
Burial place: Eisenstadt
Cause of Death: ?
Comments: ... was transferred to Eisenstadt


  1. When and by whom was the מצבה erected?

  2. This is the original מצבה. As the מנהג among Oberlender Yiddin it was probably erected at or around the first יארצייט.

    The members of the Jewish community of Eisenstadt were generally well to do. Most of the מצבות are from quality stones which keep up well. Many of them are over 100 years old, yet look as if they were put up yesterday.

    The cemetery survived the Holocaust, nevertheless some vandalism has taken place over the years.

  3. Hi Moderators! (someday you will tell me your names, right?)

    Yitzchok Stroh asked if I could complete the translations for the vital records of David Stroh. I posted the images on JewishGen's viewmate and here are the responses that I have gotten so far:

    For the death record:
    David Stroh, gewes(ener) Weinhändler, aus Müllendorf Eisenstadt in Ungarn geburtig, nach Eisenstadt in Ungarn zuständig, laut Angabe, mosaisch.

    David Stroh, former wine trader, born in Müllendorf Eisenstadt in Hungary, with right of residence in Eisenstadt in Hungary, by report Jewish.

    Birth record:
    The profession is "Produktenhändler" (Produktenhaendler, if the umlaut is transcribed), just as in the line above. The word, which is not used in contemporary German), means something like '"trader in all kinds of products". From the wording it is not clear, whether it is small-scale, more like a peddler, or on a more established way, in a shop.

    continuation of birth record:
    The words before J. Stroh are "der Vater" (the father). The word after J. Stroh is "ist" (is). I can not read the last word on that line. It looks like it starts with "Hoch...". The rest reads "Arendator in Mullendorf" (tenant of an estate in Mullendorf).

    In summary: The father J. Stroh is ... tenant of an estate in Mullendorf.

    I hope this helps. I'll let you know if I get any more translations. Please let Yitzchok know about the translations as I am traveling.

