Monday, December 17, 2012

January 1939

This card was distributed by the Jugendgruppe to the פליטים
fleeing Nazi occupied Vienna
urging them to remember their obligation to the Spirit of the Torah
לאנגע יארן האסט דו דעם תורה גייסט דער יוגענדגרופע געאטעמט
פארגעסט עס ניכט
בכל דרכיך דעהו והוא יישר ארחתיך
וואו דו וועסט הינקומען איז עס דיינע פליכט צו פארברייטערן אונזער אדיע

For many years you have breathed the Torah spirit of your Youth Group
do not forget it
'In all your ways know Him, and He will smooth your paths!'
where ever you arrive it is your duty to spread our beliefs

note the צעירי אגדת ישראל emblem in the center
The Schifschul was the leading Orthodox community in Vienna. Many in the Orthodox community were active in Klal work through the Shul, its branches and affiliates, namely the Beth Medrash and the Jugendgruppe of Agudas Jisroel. In 1938-1939, when the members of the community were forced to flee, a special notice was distributed to the friends and constituents of the Jugendgruppe bidding them to remain faithful to the ideals and principles of the Kehila.

Recommendation letter for Mr. Edwin Stroh (Dally)
from the Rabbonim of the Schiffschul
January 1939, when he fled the Nazis

Members of the Schiffshul fleeing the Nazis ימ"ש brought letters of recommendation from the Rav, R' Yeshaya Furst, asking the Yidden in their new communities to support them in any way possible. In one such a letter written for Dally, R' Furst mentions how Mr. Stroh was very active in the Jugendgruppe, and that he did much Klal work. We know that Dally was also active here in the United States in the founding of the Viener Kehilah - Adas Yereim. He was also involved in the founding of the Bais Yaakov Bais Miriam in the Mt. Eden section of the Bronx.

Translation of the letter.

Vienna 4 Janner 1939
I hereby certify that from his earliest youth
Mr. Edwin Stroh has been a particularly valuable member of our Kehilah the Adas Yisroel Schiffscul.
Mr. Stroh is a Morenu. He is a very devout Jew, a conscientious man in every respect and of impeccable character.
All I can say about Mr. Stroh is only the very best and most beautiful. He enjoys the best reputation in our circles, a reputation he has earned through his fine personal qualities that I've mentioned.
He has operated in the context of our youth organization and was very active, and after his marriage he has also done much in Klal-work.
Now as Mr. Stroh and his family are forced to move away from here. My sincerest and best wishes accompany him, wishing him well-being. I urge all those who are able to assist Mr. Stroh to do so in any way possible.
Jeschaye Furst
Rabb. Salomon Baumgarten

Rabbiner S. Furst Vienna
(stamp of:)
שלמה בוימגארטען
דיין דקה"י עדת ישראל (שיפפשול)

Transcription of the letter.
Wien 4. Janner 1939
Ich bestätige hiemit, dass Herr Edwin Stroh seit seiner frühesten Jugend der Adas Jisroel  - Schiffscul angehort und ein besonders wertvolles Mitglied unserer Gemeinde ist.
Herr Stroh ist ein Morenu. Er ist ein besonders frommer Jehudi, ein in jeder Beziehung gewissenhafter Mensch und ein tadelloser Charakter.
Über Herrn Stroh kann ich überhaupt nur das allerbeste und schönste sagen. Er geniesst in unseren Kreisen  den besten Ruf, den er sich durch seine schönen persönlichen Eigenschaften, die ich Im Vorstehenden gezeichnet habe, erworben hat.
Er hat sich in Rahmen unserer Jugendorganisation sehr aktiv betätigt und auch nach seiner Verheiratung viel in Klal-Arbeiten geleistet.
Wenn jetzt Herr Stroh und seine Familie von hier wegziehen, dann begleiten ihn meine aufrichtigsten Wünsche für sein Wohlergehen und ich bitte alle Stellen, Herrn Stroh immer und in jeder Weise an die hand zu gehen.
Rabbi Jeschaye Furst
Rabb. Salomon Baumgarten
Rabbine S. Furst Wien

(stamp of:)
שלמה בוימגארטען
דיין דקה"י עדת ישראל (שיפפשול)

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