Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Visit to Vienna, 1962

The Queen Mary
Ma and Dally sailed on her to Europe in 1962

Precisely twenty four years after Ma and Dally fled Vienna, they returned for a visit to the city of their birth. It must have been a very difficult trip. The memories of their youth and of the world that was destroyed must have been constantly in their feelings and thoughts. They had lost homes, livelihoods, family, and friends. Their beloved Schiffschul with all its organizations was gone. The memories of Kristalnacht and the many other horrible atrocities that they had witnessed could not have been forgotten.

Following is a short diary, written by Ma, apparently at the beginning of the trip. It was written on an envelope of the hotel's stationary. The few lines speak for themselves.

This short diary was written by Ma during her visit to Vienna 1962
Her first visit since fleeing the Nazis in late 1938
"Its a funny feeling here in Vienna, at home without being at home."

Left N.Y. 11.30.62 on Queen Mary. 
First 2 days beautiful steady sea. 
3rd day strong gale 4th and 5th again very nice.
Arrived in Cherbourg [France] 12.5.62 9 A.M. 
came to Paris at 11 A.M. 
Went with bus 51 to Champ Elisee, walked till 6:30 ate at “Eden”. 
Walked till time to leave for Vienna. 
Walked back to … …. … took Orient Express at 9:45 P.M. 
came 2 hours later 12.6.62 to Vienna. 
(met Mr. Wasserfall from Paris). 
It is a funny feeling here in Vienna, at home without being at home. We left exactly 24 years ago on Dec. 15. 38 a lot of things have happened since then. Thank Haschem for everything. 
We checked into Hotel Post Fleischmarkt 24, then went out for a walk. 
A lot is changed, new stores, new houses, and new faces. 
Friday morning we called Deszo [Kohn] and Edwin’s cousin Dr. Walter Stroh. 
Went to Bre.... and walked. 
I can see we will walk quite a lot here. 
Friday afternoon we met Walter Stroh in his business “Sudfruchte?” 
He took us to his apartment. 
We met his wife Csesze (Magda).

Hotel Post's stationary
Ma and Dally stayed at the hotel
The few lines above were written on this stationary

Deszo Kohn was Ma's first cousin a brother of Irene Richter and Joe, children of Uncle Rudy.

Deszo Kohn (1907-1996)
Ma's first cousin
He was residing in Vienna
Ma and Dally visited him there
 Dr. Walter Stroh was Dally's first cousin a son of Uncle Willy Stroh.
Walter's wife Magda may she live and be well resides in Israel.
Dr. Walter Stroh (1911-1978)
Dally's first cousin
He was residing in Vienna
Ma and Dally visited him there

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