Sunday, January 2, 2011

Stroh House; Botei Ungarin 118 - current status report

Thanks to one of the Stroh grandchildren living in ארץ ישראל we bring you this post.

This picture is a map of Batei Ungarin. You'll see house number 118 listed under Binyan Yud Zayin 1st floor (one flight up) on Pumbedisa St.

These pictures are the front door, which was open (I did not disturb Mrs. Einhorn, it sounded like she was cooking for Shabbos!) 
These pictures are the block from a distance. On the higher level you'll see the apartment (door open). 

The reason why the plaque is not visible is because they apparently made an extension to the entire upstairs, extending all the houses onto the terrace (see the following picture, taken from the side of the building) therefore blocking all the plaques from the upstairs houses.

Much Hatzlochah.


  1. Is this being added to the 189 Fund?

  2. Hello
    Have been following w/ interest.Thanks for info.

    There is one item that I either missed or was not addressed.

    Do you have any info as to the house in yerushalyem-How and why did the family lose possession?

  3. Perhaps someone can contact Kollel Shorei Hachomos and get the documentation...
