Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Opi Deutsch part I

זאב יהודא בן יונתן דייטש
כ"ח אלול תרי"ג - א' דר"ח אדר ב' תרח"ץ
Ma's mother's father
Zev Yehudah Deutsch, “Opi Deutsch” (Ma's mother's father), was from Verbau, Slovakia.  He was born about 1853 to his parents Yonasan and Chana nee Fuchs. His secular name was Wilhelm, and in Yiddish he was called Wolf Leib.
One of his childhood friends was HaGoan R’ Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, a native of Verbau, later Rav of Yerushalayim.

In the late 1870's, Zev Yehudah married Silka the daughter of R’ Leib Schick of Trnava, Slovakia and his wife Rivka nee Schlesinger. They settled in Welschitz a small town near Verbau. Sometime around the turn of the century they moved to Vienna.
Geflugelhandlung, Lazar Kaufmann, formerly Wilhelm Deutsch
L-R Aunty Dita Bauer Ma's sister, Lazar Kaufman Ma's father,
Opi Deutsch Ma's grandfather (with beard).

Two of Ma's uncles are standing in the back and the porter is standing on far right

In Vienna Opi Deutsch opened a Geflügelhandlung (poultry shop) at 18 Grosse Schiffgasse. The family lived upstairs and the shop was downstairs. The store was later given over to his son in law Lazar Kaufmann (Ma’s Father) for his dowry.
סולקא בת יודא ליב
תרי"ז- ז' חשון תרס"ד
Ma's grandmother after whom she was named
It is noteworthy that Ma's Yahrzeit is also ז' חשון

In 1903 (ז' חשון תרס"ד) his wife Silka passed away at a young age.
Inscription of Lazar Kaufmann in a חומש:
The Yahrzeit of my father in law
Moreinu Zev Yehudah ben Yehonoson
א' דר"ח אדר שני ת.נ.צ.ב.ה
Zev Yehudah was מאריך ימים, he was נפטר in Vienna at the age of 85. Ma's first-cousin, Boba (Joe) Kohn gave an account of his פטירה.
Zev Yehudah, who had been generally in good health called his family to his bedside and said: “A drinking glass slipped from my hands and shattered. I feel I’m losing my strength and my time is near”. Ma’s mother Malka started screaming: “that’s ridiculous, so a glass fell from your hands”. Opi told his son in law Rudy Kohn and Rudy’s sons, who were כהנים,  to leave the house. He then turned to the wall and was נפטר בשם טוב.
Siddur רנה ותפלה which Ma received from her grandfather Opi Deutsch
on the 25th Yahrtzeit of her grandmother Silka
Als andenken an euren Grossvater
(A remembrance from your grandfather)
Wilhelm Deutsch
Wien 22/ 10/ 28 fur L. Cilla
(Vienna, October 22nd 1928 for dear Cilla)

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