Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Ein echter Stroh... sehr lustig"

Dally and his siblings

In 1949 Dally traveled to London for the חתונה of his youngest brother Ernst (שמעון יהודה) A"H and יבל"ח his wife Rossi שתחי. This was the first time since the war that Dally met with his siblings, who were all living in London.

His sister Elly (גיטל) A"H was married to יבל"ח Uncle Yossi Braun שיחי and had a number of children. His brother Alex (שלמה) Stroh ע"ה was married to Tante Lizzy ע"ה nee Grunhut.

Many other relatives, cousins of Ma and Dally had also settled in England. There were also a large number of friends and acquaintances from Vienna that were living in England.

The following letter was sent by Dally in London to Ma in New York. In this letter Dally reports about the חתונה and writes briefly about friends and family that he had not seen for years.

Uncle Emil ... sehr lustig ein echter Stroh
very jolly, a true Stroh

In the letter, when describing his Uncle Emil Stroh, Dally gives us his definition of a true Stroh. He writes: Uncle Emil ... sehr lustig ein echter Stroh [=very jolly a true Stroh], וטוב לב משתה תמיד.

An interesting point in the letter is the reference to Saint Elizabeth להבדיל a well known personality in Hungarian-Austrian lore, who was a symbol of charity and benevolence etc.

We transcribed the letter in its original German and translated it to English (to the best of our ability).

Following the letter, we have added some biographical information which hopefully will make the letter easier to understand.

London October 24, 1949

Dearest Cilla עמ"ש

I was very pleased having received your letter. Your worries were really totally unfounded. I would be more than glad if my return trip would not be any worse. Dear Cilla I am so happy that I am here and you (...?)

You have no idea how proud I am of you. You have such a wonderful name ב"ה from A to Z as a Saint. [They talk about you] as if they were talking about Saint Elizabeth Lehavdil. We are missing you in person particularly myself. Elly’s children keep on saying Aunty Cilla Aunty Cilla. I really did not know how far your good reputation went. Rebetzin Furst, Rab. Baumgarten, Illy, Hani, Eva, Lizzy etc. send you regards.

The חתונה passed Zu Guten. It was wunder wunder schon. [It went on] from 5 P.M. till 11 P.M. Unberufen [בלי עין הרע] I met and spoke to so many good old friends and relatives. Alex and Lizzy עמ"ש, are really unbelievably good and unassuming. I would be extremely pleased if Ernst and Rossi [who just got married] will be the same. Elly and her 8 children, she is Unbarufen an Emeste Zedekeste. The children are extremely Betamt and lovely.

Uncle Alex and Lizzy have a Berele, a real (blossom?) very sweet and lovely.
… … …
Leibe Edy עמ"ש is unchanged he has… children and a batamte wife… I was at the Sheva ברכות the next day and I met Ernst Deutch. Irma and Ignatz Kohn each send you regards, they related how you were such a conscientious worker by the Lamm’s.

Erwin Wosner is extremely Brav and Betamt. His wife Ruth is the same as always just stronger. Uncle Emil ב"ה unchanged very jolly ein echter [a true] Stroh. Dovidi is very Tuchtig [he is] my banker. Salme Breuer a true Uncle Lajos [Breuer, Salme's father], has a noble wife Edi. He is the son in law of Adi Schreiber. Chaim Grunhut (Richard) his brother in law, a spitting image of his father Heinrich, he has a very neat wife Miri, Alex’s sister in law.

Paul Breuer a very talented youth he’s 24 years old very neat. There isn’t a thing he doesn’t remember he knows everything. He knows how to learn very well. He is working by Alex in the business he also boards by him. Gluck sends regards to everyone. Dear Alex is planning to visit the U.S.A. shortly. I think I have covered everything. I am very glad to be returning home shortly.


Dally and his brother Ernst in Nice 1963
The letter above was written by Dally after attending Ernst's חתונה

  • Alex Stroh (Dally’s brother) and his wife Lizzy nee Grunhut (Ma’s second cousin)
  • Ernstl Stroh and his wife Rossi nee Gestetner (whose wedding Dally attended)
  • Elly nee Stroh (Dally’s sister) the wife of Yossi Braun
  • Edy [Kohn] Ma’s first cousin (Joe’s brother)
  • Rebitzen Furst was the wife of Harav Yeshaye Furst the Rav of the "Schiffschul"
  • Rabbi Baumgarten was a Dayan in the Schiffschul and later Rav in "69" the Vienner Shul in London.
  • Illy?
  • Hani?
  • Eva?
  • Ernst Deutch?
  • Ignatz Kohn and his wife Irma nee Figdor (she was Dally’s first cousin)
    As a girl Ma had worked for the Lamm Seiden Warhaus. The owner of the warehouse was Emanuel Lamm whose wife Gisella nee Figdor was a sister of Irma, hence the reference to Ma’s working at the Lamm’s mentioned by Ignatz Kohn and his wife Irma
  • Erwin Wosner (Dally’ first cousin on his mothers side see here) his wife Ruth nee Stroh (Dally’s first cousin on his father’s side)
  • Uncle Emil Stroh (Dally’s Uncle)
  • Salme Breuer (Dally’s first cousin on his mothers side) Salme’s father Lajos Breuer (Dally’s uncle). Salme’s wife Edi nee Schrieber the daughter of Adi Scrieber. see here
  • Chaim (Richard) Grunhut (Ma’s second cousin, and a sister of Tante Lizzy) his wife Miri was a sister of Salme Breuer’s wife Edi. Heinrich Grunhut, Chaim’s father was a first cousin of Ma’s mother.
  • Paul Breuer?

Following is the transcribed copy of the letter.

London okt 24. 1949

Liebste Cilla עמ"ש

Freute mich sehr mit dienem Briefe und ist Deine sorge wirklich ganz unbegrundet gewese ware hoch zufrieden wenn ich keine argare ruckfarchet hatte. L. Cilla ich Bin so froh dass ich hier bin und du…. Lasten. Du hast keine ldee wie stolz ich bin mit dir. Du hast doch ainem namen ב"ה von A biz Z wie eine heilige ast? Sie? wenn man lehavdil von der heiligen Elizabeth so gesprochen hat. Nur fehlst du allein und besonders mich special Elly’s kinder nur aunti Cilla und Aunty Cilla ich hab wirklich nicht gewust wie weit dainer gutter ruf dringt Rebbtzen Furst, Rab. Baumgarten, Elly, Hani, Eva, Lizzy u.s.w. begrisen. Die חתונה ist zu guten vorbei war wunder wunder schon. Von 5pm bis 11pm und unberufen so viele gute alte bekante und verwandte gosehen Und geseprochen. Alex und Lizzy עמ"ש wirklich ausergewohnlich gut und beschieden ich bin hoch zufreiden wenn Ernst und Rossi auch so werden. Elly mit Ihre 8 kinder unberufin, eine emeste Zedekeste. Kinder sehr betamt und goldig. Onkel Alex und lizzy haben ein Berele ein echte Blea? Sehr siss und goldig.
L. Edy עמ"ש unverandert hat bilt lublische? kinder betamte frau halfet der ganze velt, beglagt sich uber geschwister dass sie ihn nicht besuchen sint? Morgen dort? bei die Schever ברכות und werde dort. Ernstl Deutsch treffen Irma und Ignatz Kohn lassen jeder besonder grussen erzahlen wie aufmerksam wir zu lamm’s waren. Erwin wosner sehr brav und betamt seine gattin ruthi die alte et was starker. O. Emil ב"ה unverendert sehr lustig ein echter Stroh. Dovidi sehr tuchtig mein bankier. Salme Breuer ein echter onkel Lajos noble frau Edi Schwigersohn von Adi Schreiber. Chaim Grunhut (Richard) sein schwager das eben bild seines vaters heinrich auch eine sehr nette frau Miri Alex schwageren. Paul Breuer ein sehr gelungener junge --- 24 jahre alt sehr nett es gibt nicht eine sache an die er sich nicht erinert weiss alles. Kann sehr fein lernen ist bei alex im geschaft und wohnt auch bei ihm. Gluck lassen euch alle grussen L. Alex wird hochstwahresehilich bald auf bezuch nach U.S.A. kommen habe Zeimlich uber alles erichtet freue mich Schon auf zu house sein



    1. Just out of curiosity, why was England such a hotspot for Viennese expatriates?

    2. It is interesting and amazing to see how at the start of the letter, Dally praises Ma with such love and loyalty. We can also see how Dally saw the good in each person in the family and so eloquently related that to Ma. The descriptions are positive and have a dose of humor in them too!
      What a wonderful trait we should try to emulate!

    3. Here is a brief desciption of the Viennese expatriates in London, taken from the book, "Three Generations", by Dayan Dr. I Grunfeld (1958).
      A great number of Viennese and Hungarian Jews formed a cultural center of their own in the North of London under the name "Zeire Yisroel Beth Hamedrash". From its address 69 Lordship Road, N.16, it is popularly known as "69". Under the inspiring leadership of Rabbi Shlomoh Baumgarten, a son of the late Dayan Joseph Baumgarten זצ"ל of the Schiffschul in Vienna, the Lordship Road Beth Hamedrash has succeeded in recapturing something of the atmosphere of that famous historical place of worship. The presence in the Zeire Yisroel Beth Hamedrash, during its initial years, of the Gaon Isaiah Fuerst, the former Rav of the Viennese Schiffschul was felt by its members as a priceless link with a glorious past.

    4. I think many Viennese children had come over with the Kindertransport.

      Dally also had an uncle by the name of Sigmund Stroh who was married to a Lunzer from England. He was living in England many years before the war. I would assume he was instrumental in getting some of his relatives into the country. Perhaps someone knows more about the history of the emigration to England.

    5. my grandmother recalls that Dally flew to Europe (only one way), being that the wedding was shortly after Succos, and he would not have arrived in time by ship.

      In general Dally did not like to fly and would travel by car, or boat.
