Friday, April 20, 2012

Opi Deutsch Part III

Opi Deutsch
Ma's grandfather
נפטר ר"ח אדר תרח"ץ לפ"ק

The March 11, 1938 edition of the Jüdische Presse, the Jewish orthodox weekly of Pressburg and Vienna, carried an article about the passing of Ma's grandfather Opi Deutsch on ר"ח אדר תרח"ץ. The brief description is very telling of his character and the high esteem with which he was regarded by his family and Kehilah.

When reading this piece, one can not help but notice how Opi Deutch's wonderful personality was emulated by Ma, her sister Aunty, and her cousins Big Irene and her brothers (those of Opi's grandchildren that we knew).
An article in the Orthodox Jewish Press
of Vienna and Pressburg
about the passing Opi Deutsch
On the first day of Rosh Chodesh [Adar 1938] Wilhelm Deutsch was laid to rest. About him we can truly say, תָּבוֹא בְכֶלַח אֱלֵי קָבֶר, כְּעֲלוֹת גָּדִישׁ בְּעִתּוֹ, You will go to the grave in ripe old age, just as a sheaf is brought in, in its season (איוב ה' כ"ו). 
He lived for close to ninety years באשיידן, modestly, in the spirit of one brought up in a truly religious Yiddishe home in a Yiddishe קהלה. He never felt the need to impress, quietly and without fanfare he fulfilled his duty as a Mench and as a Yid. He was dedicated and concerned for the well being of his family. As an extremely religious בן תורה he conducted his home in the old authentic Yiddishe spirit. His warm friendly personality and his pleasant demeanor towards each individual earned him the respect of all. 

He had the unusual מזל to reap and enjoy the rewards of his rich inner life. The commitment to Yiddishkeit exemplified by his children and sons-in-law in their homes is a wonderful example for all. His was surrounded by the love and tenderness of his children grandchildren and great-grandchildren till his last breath. 

In consideration of ר"ח we had to take leave of the נפטר without a הספר. The many people attending the Levaya sensed that a truly rich and full life had come to an end.

Sefer Yesh Nochlin
Amsterdam 1701
It may have belonged to Opi Deutsch
notice the signatures
top left and lower left.