Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Stroh House; Botei Ungarin 118 - part 2

Postcard sent by Berthold Stroh (Dally's father) May 1939
from Vienna to his cousin David Schischa
Jerusalem Bothe Hungaria N. 118
He mentions how glad he is that Mr. Schischa
is "living in our house" in Yerushalayim

Reverse of the postcard
Malvine Stroh (Dally's mother) also writes
how glad she is that the Schischa's
"are living in the Stroh House"

Rabbi Yeshaya Furst's letter dated 1910, mentions that R' Bendit HaLevy Lowy of Vienna was living in the Stroh House, Botei Ungarin 118. A note on the original page in the Pinkas of Kollel Shomrei Hachomos, states that in 1928 R' Yackov Stroh (Dally's uncle) had given R' Bendit's widow permission to continue living there.

Ma's note:
The David Schischa family
live in the "Stroh House"

Dally's mother Shvartzel, had a first cousin in Vienna named David Schischa. (David Schisha's mother Gitel Ziporah nee Breuer was a half sister of Shvartzel's father Zalmen Breuer). Mr. Schischa was a distinguished member of the Schiffschul community. His Kosher grocery in the Second District was well known. Older Vienner Yiden recall, how as children they would enter the store and he would get up on the wooden bench to take down a piece of chocolate for them to enjoy.
In March 1938, the Friday night after the Nazis entered Vienna, Mr. Schischa and his wife Hana nee Schrieber fled to Eretz Yisroel through Italy.  They settled in Yerushalayim and moved in to the Stroh House.  In Yerushalayim, Mr. Schischa opened a grocery which he operated for many years. After his passing in 1967, his widow remained in the house until she passed away in 1975.
Air Letter from David Schischa
118. Bote-Hungaria
Jerusalem (Palestine)
to Dally in 1947

The house was then taken over by a neighbor, Mr. Einhorn, who then connected the two adjacent houses. Currently, the Einhorns are still residing in the house.


  1. The Stroh blog is great - we really enjoyed the info.

    Keep keeping in touch!

  2. I have taken photos of the house in Batei Ungarin today. Please let me know where to email them. Kol Hakavod for this blog!

  3. my email address is
    Thanks. Dovid, son of Mrs. Sara Kanner, daughter of Mrs. Judy Gestetner.
